Điều khoản Dịch vụ - 和淞科技股份有限公司

Terms of Service

Privacy Policy

Welcome to the website (the "Website") of Taiwan Puritic Corporation ("we", "us", "our" or the "Company"). We are committed in protecting your personal information. The purpose of this privacy policy is for us to explain why and how we will collect and process your personal information when you use our Website, and your rights in relation to your personal information. We may amend this policy from time-to-time, and therefore, we recommend that you read this policy carefully and in full and regularly check our Website for any updates and the latest version of this policy.


1. Who is this privacy policy applicable to?

This privacy policy is applicable to any third-party individual including, but not limited to our stakeholders such as our customers, users of our products or services, employees of our contractors, job seekers and visitors to our Website or Company ("you" or "your").

2. Our purposes for collecting your personal information

We will collect your personal information for the purpose of:

  1. Providing you with our products or services including, but not limited to, instances where there is a need for the Company to collect your personal information for negotiation purposes prior to entering a contract with you or when the Company is entering into a contract with you;
  2. Marketing and communications, such as sending electronic newsletters, marketing products and service information;
  3. communicating with our stakeholders, such as sending you copies of our Company policies, or communicating and interacting with you;
  4. Collecting personal information of visitors of our Company and factories to manage and maintain safety on our Company and factory sites; and
  5. Performing other contracts or quasi-contracts, complying with the laws and regulations, and providing and managing our customer services.

3. What kinds of personal information will we collect for the above purposes?

We may collect the following personal information from you:

  1. General personal information (including but not limited to):
    (a) Personal details: Name, picture, Taiwan ID No., gender, birth date, age, nationality, company name, job title and military service status;
    (b) Contact details: contact address, telephone number, facsimile number and email address; and
    (c) Professional and educational details: education, language skills, professional skills, employment records, professional qualifications, certifications and licensures and work experience.
  2. Sensitive personal information:
    We will not collect sensitive personal information from you, such as your medical record, healthcare, genetics, physical examination and criminal records, unless:
    (a) we are required by law and/or regulation;
    (b) we are required by contract;
    (c) such personal information is published or disclosed by you or is already legally published or disclosed elsewhere;
    (d) we are required by competent authorities to assist them in performing their statutory duties; or
    (e) we have obtained your written consent; however, we will not collect sensitive personal information from you if such collection exceeds the reasonable scope of any of the aforementioned purposes or is prohibited by law.
  3. Other personal information or data:
    Other personal information or data we may collect may include, but not limited to, information and/or data you provide us in the process of performing your contract with our Company, or any other information and/or data you may voluntarily provide us with.

5. The time period, geographic region, users and method of using your personal information:

  1. We will notify you of our purpose and use for collecting your personal information at the time of collection. Any personal information you provide us through our Website will be processed by the relevant department of our Company. Depending on the type of online activity or service you used, and based on the purpose for collecting your personal information, we will also obtain your consent prior to using your personal information to communicate or contact you after you’ve completed an online questionnaire on our Website, or prior to using your personal information for business and market analyses purposes.
    For personal information not collected on this Website, please read and refer to the notice that the Company will give you pursuant to the laws of Taiwan at the time of collection, for the purpose, objective, time period and other information of using your personal information.
    Unless we have notified and received your consent at the time of collecting your personal information, we will not share any of your personal information collected through this Website with any other person or use your personal information for purposes other than those that you have been notified and consented to.
  2. Our use of Cookies
    Cookies are small text files that are sent from our web server to your browser and stored on your computer’s hard drive. They record specific information in order to assist you in using our Website. For example, information stored in cookies allows you to browse a website without having to re-enter the same information every time you browse the website.
    If you do not wish to accept our cookies, you can exclude them from your browser settings. You can still browse our Website even if you do not accept and exclude our cookies.
  3. For how long will we use and store your personal information
    Personal information collected through this Website will be stored by the Company until we terminate this Website, until we have fully responded to your inquiries on this website and have completed a reasonable tracking period thereafter, or until you request us to delete or stop using your personal information.
    For personal information not collected on this Website, please read and refer to the notice that the Company will give you pursuant to the laws of Taiwan at the time of collection, for the purpose, objective, time period and other information of using your personal information. Once the time period for which we store your personal information has ended, we will permanently delete or destroy or de-identify any of your personal information.
  4. Cross-border transmission of your personal information
    If we collect your personal information for the purpose of performing our contract with you, then we will collect, process and use your personal information mainly in Taiwan. However, based on international trade or operational considerations, we may transfer or store your personal information to our affiliated companies in the United States or People’s Republic of China and their servers. The data privacy laws and requirements of these countries may be different from your country of location. To protect your personal information, our Company has placed appropriate measures and safeguards to protect your personal information during their transmission and storage in these countries, as well as on their servers. If we do transmit your personal information from within the European Union region to outside of the European Union, and the recipient of your personal information is located in a country whose data protection and privacy laws are unrecognized by the European Commission, then we will enter into with the recipient a data protection agreement containing terms and conditions meeting the European Union data protection and privacy standards, prior to transmitting your personal information to such recipient.
  5. Third-party use and methods
    Personal information collected by the Company is processed in compliance with Taiwan laws and for purposes stated above. Unless otherwise required by the laws and regulations of Taiwan, we will only collect and use your personal information with your consent and within the scope to which you have consented to, and we will not transmit your personal information to a third-party or use it for any other purpose. However, our Company may provide your personal information to a third-party when:
    (a) the third-party is authorized by you to receive your personal information;
    (b) we are legally required to disclose your personal information to a competent authority in Taiwan or to report any actual or suspected illegal activity;
    (c) we require professional or consultancy services from our accountants, auditors, consultants, lawyers and other professionals who have entered into confidentiality agreements with us;
    (d) we require to share your personal information to our suppliers or third-party contractors (such as courier or logistics companies) in order to send you our Company’s latest products, to deliver services to you, to send you information or newsletters on our latest promotional or marketing activities, or to perform our contract with you;
    (e) there is a danger to your life, person, freedom or property;
    (f) there is a need to share your personal information with a competent authority, government agency, law enforcement or court of Taiwan, in order to claim or exercise our legal rights or to prevent, investigate, inspect or prosecute illegal activities; or
    (g) we sell or transfer all or part of our business or Company assets (including Company restructuring or reorganization, or Company dissolution or liquidation) to a third-party buyer or transferee. However, in such an event, we will use reasonable efforts to inform you of the contact information of the buyer or transferee.
    If our Company hires a third-party supplier to process your personal information, then we will ensure that a contract containing the following clauses have been executed with the supplier prior to the processing of your personal information:
    (a) a clause ensuring that your personal data would be processed within the Company's prior written instructions;
    (b) a clause ensuring full compliance with the data and privacy protection laws and regulations of Taiwan and implementation of measures, processes and systems to protect the security and confidentiality of your personal information; and
    (c) a clause ensuring our Company's supervision over the supplier on the processing of your personal information.

6. External website links:

When using our Website, you may see and click on links to third-party websites. The privacy policies of these third-party websites are not managed or maintained by our Company, nor does this privacy policy apply to those third-party websites. We recommend that, prior to providing your personal information to such third-party websites, you review their privacy policies and statements carefully and in full.

7. Privacy protection of minors:

Persons who are minors under the laws of Taiwan are not the target customers of our products or services. Therefore, our Company will not deliberately collect or process personal information of minors.

8. Information security:

Our Company has adopted and placed in generally accepted technology and personal information protection and security measures to safeguard your personal information from being loss, misused, altered or damaged. Only those personnel authorized by the Company will be able to access or handle your personal information. All authorized personnel will have signed confidentiality agreements with the Company.

Even though we have taken and placed in appropriate security measures to protect your personal information, the transmission of data of any kind through the internet (including email transmission) itself carries inherent risks which we cannot always prevent or safeguard. And even though we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your personal information in this regard, we will and still do our very best to protect your personal information.

9. The accuracy and correctness of your personal information:

Our Company is committed to taking all reasonable measures to ensure that your personal information is processed correctly and in a timely manner. If there are any errors or updates to your personal information, please inform us at the contact information below, and we will endeavor to correct or update your personal information immediately.

10. Minimal collection and processing of your personal information:

Our Company will take reasonable measures to ensure that the collection and processing of your personal information is minimized and limited to within the scope and purpose set out in this privacy policy.

11. Your rights:

You may exercise the following rights in relation to your personal information you have given and stored with us in accordance with the laws of Taiwan:

    1. you may inquire or review your personal information;
    2. you may photocopy your personal information;
    3. you may update or correct your personal information;
    4. you may require us to stop collecting, processing or use your personal information;
    5. you may delete your personal information;
    6. you may ask for your personal information to be provided to you in a machine operable and readable;

Our Company, at all times, reserves the right to accept or refuse your request to exercise any of the above rights in accordance with the laws and regulations of Taiwan.

12. How to exercise your rights and our contact details:

You may send your request to exercise your right or contact us by email (sales_service@jtpc.com.tw) or by completing and submitting a "Contact Us" form through our Website. Prior to your exercise of your right, we may verify your identity by requestion certain documents to confirm your identify. If you entrust a third-party to request and/or exercise your right on your behalf, you must provide us with a copy of the power of attorney which you have granted and authorized such third-party, as well as copies of identity documents verifying and confirming such third-party's identity.

If you would like to contact us or have any questions about this privacy policy, you may contact us at:


This privacy policy was last updated on 2021/12/24